Keegan Reid Helps Educate Us

So the Big Dog is back and Barking loudly

I wanna share this with you, not just because I’m a deplorable troll but also because it’s really, really, really, really, really, funny

Our boy Keegan is a Bigfoot noob but like so many of the woo camp, already considers himself the expert on the matter

The fact that Bigfoot doesn’t officially exist, there is absolutely no data proving otherwise and trivial matters like the basic laws of the universe are just details to be ignored in his world

I should like to visit planet Keegan one day, I bet it’s a laugh riot

Let us kick things off


Ok so let’s start with the obvious bit, literally hours after I wrote a blog critisizing his use of the words “Forest People” we now have a smorgasboard of options for our friendly portal hopping friends

Keegster! What have I said about reacting to me. tut tut

So unless your going into the woods knowing about bigfoot and being positive and happy about it, then you are not going to see a bigfoot


Although there are a few exceptions

Like sightings from people that have never heard of Bigfoot perhaps, or really miserable cunts that saw one? I wonder


That last paragraph that follows onto this page makes me giggle, so basically any sound you ever hear ever in the woods is potentially a Bigfoot

Never mind the actual birds that are calling or the wind knocking trees or Ice creaking or anything like that, nope all obviously Bigfoot

Ugh. Stick Structures. Again. Next to wood knocking and call blasting I gotta say this line of bullshit is really starting to grind on my nerves, Prove it was bigfoot doing them and I will of course apologize and chastize myself

There is an old report from Canada about a woman that was torn in half by a Bigfoot because she was menstrating, no lie it actually exists, she was out with her boyfriend so I assume she had love in her heart, explain that one away genius


KK So Bigfoot are peace loving peeps that just wanna be left alone, I can deal with that, although it does not explain why our boy the Big Dog is bringing attention to their existence through bullshit facebook posts

It’s almost as if he is completely making all of this up

But he wouldn’t do that surely

This is actually a refreshing difference from the whole: Hey You should go out into the woods more argument

It’s basically the same but: Unless your Keegan Reid and know everything Keegan Reid knows, it’s pointless to go out there for reasons



Nice little Fuck you to Paulidies there Keegan, I noticed, I noticed for everyone

Not that I disagree, David really rode the Bigfoot train to successville, citing a buncha random dissaperences as the work of Bigfoot, some people may call it lazy writing, I personally found it hilarious when that one dude was revealed not to be missing at all

Quite Amusing

So that’s Keegan Reid with another avalanche of Bullshit explaining why he is the best and we’re nothing but Peons to him

Shame bigfoot still doesn’t exist so it’s really easy to prove he’s talking absolute bollocks really

Not as big as a shame as when kelly shaw visited a hoax location and found Bigfoot evidence however, that really sucked for him


Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

Team Tazer:

Tim Fasano:

One thought on “Keegan Reid Helps Educate Us”

  1. More from the magical realm of Keegan Reid. One has to wonder how this newbie is so knowledgeable after only one year interest in the subject., But like everything Reid puts out there, his “knowledge” is just a product of him making BS up as he goes along. Take his “Communicating with the forest people” video, for example. Does the viewer see any views of him actually out in the woods? NO Is there any ambient forest sounds in the video? NO This is probably because he is just sitting, in his kitchen, baby-talking his imaginary bigfoot and hitting two wooden spoons together for “wood knocks”. Has he EVER produced anything that remotely resembles “evidence” to substantiate his ridiculous claims and wild speculation? Instead of actually learning some scientific methodology, he prefers to surround himself with a cast of Saturday cartoon show characters like that Khat Hansen. A group that just enables each other. Has everyone seen the supposed “bigfoot in the bushes” image that Hansen has out there? It is more likely the image of a native child scanned from a National Geographic magazine. The surrounding foliage appears to be what you are more apt to find in the jungle as opposed to a North American forest. I’m not sure why anyone should find the photo credible. This Khat Hansen person, quite often, does not even use photos of herself but prefers to use photos of other women. Just do a Google search of Khat Hansen images. Will the real Khat Hansen stand up. LOL Their group should really be called “Misunderstanding Reality” or “Misconstruing Truth”. Okay Keegan, we will play like the “Tin Man” and ask the “Wizard” for a heart so that we can see your “forest friends”. Now you need to play the “Scarecrow” and the “Cowardly Lion” and ask the “Wizard” for a brain and courage so that you can see reality.


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