Bigfoot Master Matthew Johnson on Bigfoot Glyphs

Our Boy Johnson sure is a master of all things Bigfoot

In just a few short years he has demonstrated control over time and space, telepathy, mastery over physics and of course the ability to differentiate between Owl hoots and Bigfoot growls

Not content with those mere accomplishments he has now branched out into the world of Bigfoot Glyphs

Now for those of you not in the know, Bigfoot glyphs are the archaic, mystical hieroglyphs that Bigfoot leave behind to alert humans leave behind

Basically a pile of sticks on the ground to the layman

IT MAY LOOK as if some person put them together deliberately or even like the wind blew down some sticks, but it is actually Bigfoot

Believe me, these Bigfoot Glyph peeps know exactly what their talking about

Without further ado however, Matthew Johnson On Bigfoot Glyphs:


Oh! In a rare turn of events Bloody stupid Johnson has decided there is no real way of knowing what a Glyph says, unless of course a Bigfoot mindspeaks you and tells you, because you get the cipher that way


However, noted Bigfoot Glyph expert Dave Gibson has a  few choice words for the Johnson


Ohhh put in yo place Johnson, gonna need some cream for that burn!

I like the comparison to an Ink Blot as well, that’s a nice touch

Hey remember that photo he posted with the yellow circle?


Bwahahahhahahahahahahahaha take that you massive cunt

Anywho, I find myself kinda siding with Johnson on this one, they are just what you wanna see, because there just sticks on the ground that any moron could have put there

Also Kelly Shaw? Went to the location of a Bigfoot hoax site and found a bunch of bigfoot evidence, made a big video about it, called himself a hero, actually an embarressment



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Off The Rictor:

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