Mark Parra On Kelly Shaw

Hands up who remembers Mark Parra?

Yeah me either

He’s the guy that used to claim to be a warrior shaman or some such bollox

One of them pretend hard men wot say they’ll kick the ass of anyone who disagrees with them

Kinda like Kelly Shaw actually

Which is funny because here is Mark Parra on kelly shaw:


And he’s right, the follow up was important, you know..

Shame it was done by Kelly shaw though really, kinda ruins the entire thing

Why you ask?

Have you forgotten that Kelly Shaw once visited a hoax location and found in his own words: A lot of Bigfoot evidence. Hair samples, nest site and footprints?

I believed I may have mentioned it once or twice

We also remember Kelly Shaw as the man who once photographed a log and said it was 100 percent a Bigfoot face, no two ways about it

So theres that

Guess you gotta take Kelly Shaws word with a pinch of salt

Matthew Johnson is a cunt


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