Matthew Johnsons Great Reveal: He’s an Anti American Terrorist


The great reveal has happened, Squee

It’s like christmas all over again

Matthew Johnson used a Special Device to Save 23 thousand memebers of the Bigfoot Alien Race which live here on Earth Disguised as tree’s



The Upshot is that he is completely insane and has completely jumped the Shark

But for the sake of open mindedness, let us attempt to take him seriously for a moment

This means the man is a threat to America’s National Security

He bought in countless ILLEGAL! UNDOCUMENTED! ALIENS! Carrying god knows what diseases and drugs to affect our children and America’s culture

Not Paying Taxes! Stealing Jobs! This was last year aswell so God knows how many of em Voted for Hillary!

As the Die Hard Trump supporter I know Johnson is, I find this behavior reprehensible and we need to establish a point based immigration system for future Refugees from the Bigfoot homeworld

A wall would also be good around the Portal, which of course we shall make the Bigfoot pay for

We need to stop this immigration crisis now as a Planet before we’re all forced to learn their language to get served at MacDonalds!

Fight the Power!

So I’m sure he’ll be producing a Bigfoot that’ll morph from a tree on stage now at any time and will also provide the Machiene that can be tested by scientists to solve both the Bigfoot Mystery and Inter Dimensional Travel. Once and For All

Any time now

In all seriousness though, if you are a Johnson supporter, for fucks sake get the man the help he needs now rather then later, Heavens Gate and Jonestown. That’s all I’m gonna say

Kelly Shaw, you are Relieved of Duty as the Punchline to my blogs



Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

Team Tazer:

Tim Fasano:

Woo Junk:

One thought on “Matthew Johnsons Great Reveal: He’s an Anti American Terrorist”

  1. A sad rant by the Booch where he confesses to stalking Matt Johnson and Patrick Epistemon.

    Andrew Boucher
    April 22 at 5:44pm · Coos Bay, OR

    This is funny. I walked right up to Dr. J and he doesn’t recognize me.

    I have my camera glasses on. Maybe that’s why. They look like the glasses a bigfooter might wear. I keep smiling at Patrick. I keep expecting to get kicked out but nobody has even glanced my way.

    Well I am a bit skinnier these days…

    Skyla Guillen You really went?
    Like · Reply · April 22 at 10:50pm
    Patrick Epistemon
    Patrick Epistemon If are here, come say hi. Its worth a beer on me for you.
    I not gonna recognize you. And no ones gonna kick you out. Just the opposite, we’ll want to get to know you.
    Like · Reply · April 22 at 11:13pm · Edited
    Andrew Boucher
    Andrew Boucher I was there. I was standing next to Zorth most of the time.
    Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 12:02am
    Patrick Epistemon
    Patrick Epistemon Did you buy Zorth a beer?
    Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 12:04am
    Patrick Epistemon
    Patrick Epistemon Really man, come say hi next time it would have been

    Skyla Guillen Patrick….please tell me you are not believing this delusional vomit that mj “revealed”?
    Like · Reply · 23 hrs
    Andrew Boucher
    Andrew Boucher Patrick, I was there. I was fully cloaked. You didn’t feel me tapping your shoulder?


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