Matthew Johnson and co: Wagons are A-Circlin’

Fuck. Cunt. Asshole. Bastard. Tosser. Damn. Hell

I curse in my blog just so you know for future

Whatever the fuck this fucking Great Reveal is it’s going to be outlandish to say the least

I remember when he broke the news last year and one of his own admins came to me and said they had doubts

It must be insane

It’s certainly got me curious although my trollish nature compells me to completely ignore him as I know it will annoy him more

But we tried that, didn’t work

Tried proving he was a liar, we did but no one listened

It must be so relaxing to be woo vermin, free from basic needs such as reason, logic and explanations, stuff just happens for them

And so we turn our attention to Johnsons Spin Doctor Numero Uno:

El Jim Silsby

Check it:


Ok so you know whatever the great reveal is, it’s pretty insane

I mean a claim usually gets a little ridicule no matter where it comes from, but when people are defending it before it is even released, then you know it’s proper gold

Regarding Dr Johnson Jim, I say simply this: I have caught him lying, I have caught him hoaxing, I proved it with my awesome research skills

When he committed blasphemy

When he tried passing off stumps as Bigfoot

When he claimed Bigfoot were the descendants of Cain

Ok? This is what we who follow scientific method call: Eh-Vee-Dence

I realize it’s an alien word to you woo cunts but what you gonna do

That is the basis of my entire argument, that I have caught him hoaxing and lying in the past so why should I take him seriously now?


And your doing exactly the same here Jim!

Your resorting to personal attacks albeit in a vague manner simply because we happen to believe your Lord and Savior is a collosal cunt

Again, Proved our side of the argument

And we ALL know what his “proof” for this “great reveal” is going to be: Eye Witness Testimony

That’s it

As if Rick Dyer and Todd Standing had not tried the exact same method


And see there is Johnson doing what Johnson does best

Riding someone elses coat tails

He had Adam Davies and John Carlson with him for portalgate

STILL uses them as “Witnesses” Despite the fact that their version of events differ wildly from his

Now he is using Bob Gimlins name in vain, EVEN THOUGH Bob Gimlin has bailed from his event and is trying to put as much distance between him and Johnson as is humanly possible


I just put that last screenshot in for laughs

See if you can get the irony

Kelly Shaw you say? Visted a hoax location and found evidence? Don’t say that around the Alabama Paranormal people, they get all arsey about it



Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

Team Tazer:

Tim Fasano:

Woo Junk:

One thought on “Matthew Johnson and co: Wagons are A-Circlin’”

  1. If anyone still has doubts about the cult-like nature of Johnson’s group, all they need to do is read the mindless ramblings of a Johnson devotee, like Sylsby. His comments epitomize the “us versus them” mentality promoted by cults. Asking legitimate questions and questioning outrageous claims qualifies someone as a “hater”. Asking for evidence, of said outrageous claims, is seen as “bashing” and “attacking” by Johnson’s gullible minions. All one needs to do is research cult psychology to see what is taking place. From the “Cult Education Institute”, a couple telltale signs of those that follow these cult-like leaders: “Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.” and this one, “Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as ‘persecution’. ” From The Psychology Of Cults” blog, regarding cult members: “Cult members are “focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment. The leader is a strong-willed, domineering character who rules the group with tight control. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged,’ and there can be pressure or social punishment when there is disagreement with the ‘boss.’. Those who disagree are made to feel as though they are stupid or inept. No matter how radical the leader becomes in his decisions or actions, the cult members will not criticize him. Even if there should be mild disagreement, no specific expressions are voiced. The members reason that though he may be mistaken in some of his judgments, yet the overall good he accomplishes outweighs any minor flaws.” Seeing the mindless devotion of Johnson’s followers, as this weekend’s dog and pony show draws near, is truly the “Great Reveal”.


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