Keegan Reid on The Origin of Man


I had two screenshots, one was about Johnson and one was about Keegan

Now Johnsons screenshot was about shit, literally and that is too easy for me so I’m going to take the road less traveled

Specifically the road less traveled by Keegan “big dog” Reid

Check out this earth shattering announcement:


Not just a longing to understand our origin as a species but in fact full understanding

Say what you like about the woo crowd

And I do, frequently

But these people understand the phrase: Go Big or Go Home

In what seems a neverending quest to one up each other, they must repeat this cycle of grandieosity until indeed, one of them will eventually declare themself a Bigfoot God trapped in a human body!

That may have already happened, I don’t mingle in the really serious woo groups, it get’s a bit weird

That “20” Years ago thing is something worth talking about aswell. Lest we forget Keegan has only been researching this subject for about a year

But yet, after only a year he not only fundementally understands the Bigfoot but the Origin of man as well. Imagine where he will be in 2 years or 10

Probably still running a facebook group and a youtube channel telling everyone how great he is, because of course Mainstream science is completely wrong and he’s right and “Their” suppressing his research because “They” want to keep us all ignorant of the facts

Still, the important thing is that Keegan knows everything and we’re lucky to gain his wisdom

The other important thing is to remember Kelly Shaw visited a hoax location and found Bigfoot evidence, because he’s still pretending to be a legit researcher

Ad Victorum!


Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

Team Tazer:

Tim Fasano:

Woo Junk:

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