Bigfoot In North Ireland?

Of all places I ask thee

Well I suppose it makes sense that he’s been hiding out there from everyone else

What is it with fucktards saying there is Bigfoot anywhere in the UK? They annoy me more then anyone else in this field because these places have been fully explored, conquered and reconquered and settled then unsettled, that’s just what humans have done, let alone the ecology itself which isn’t really viable for large primates

They’d all get spotted in the winter or die

So no, I don’t buy it

I buy it even less when the picture presented is thus:


Coz why the hell would any animal be standing like that in the first place?

It’s just one of them optical illusionary thingies

the tree stump in the foreground looks like a leg, the broken snow covered tree stump in the background looks like a body

blah blah blah

I mean it’s a pretty damn good picture as far as blobsquatches go and I’m not just saying that because it came from the UK and I’m being patriotic

I’ll tell you what though, why don’t we pass this photo along to Herb Walker and Co? I bet they could find a billion sasquatches in that picture and circle them in yellow so we all could see

Their nice like that

Kelly Shaw blah blah blah hoax site blah blah blah found evidence


Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

Team Tazer:

Tim Fasano:

2 thoughts on “Bigfoot In North Ireland?”

    1. You know what? To me it looks like a rocker guy with a leather jacket on with a band insignia on the back. He has snow in his hair. That’s what I see. I certainly don’t see a sasquatch by any means. Maybe it’s a lepre-squatch. Ha! That’s my joke. I made it up. Give me credit. Ha!


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