Utah Sasquatch’s Hashtag Hijinks

Snappy title

Like it better that way

The original title was: Bigfoot community continues to dissapoint me with it’s high levels of brain dead sheep morons that go along with Utah Sasquatches obvious campaign to monetize and mediaise his product

Too long I know

But I was pretty angry

You see dear readers Utah Sasquatch annoys me

But not in the fun way Johnson used to annoy me

Neither the Moronic Way that Kelly Shaw amuses me

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Kelly Shaw found evidence at a Bigfoot Hoax Site.

Or even the insane way Edward Waterman annoys me

It’s genuine rage

I’ll tell you for why, firstly he has been proven to be a liar and a hoaxer

People still go along with his shit

Well the stupid ones do or the media whores

This is what I’m talking about:


This is called… Well I don’t know what it’s called, I’m not a media expert, but it’s got something to do with Brand Identification, hashtags and social media are very good for getting people aware of Brand names and logos and stuff and by having stuff hashtag to his project, Utah Sasquatch is creating his brand

People still fall for it:


Ah Michael Merchant.

I was very angry at him the other day because he made a video that was utter bullshit and he knew it was bullshit as well.

I’ve since calmed down and forgiven him

Michael Merchant is a man after my own black heart, a man that would sell anything or give anything to get back on TV, he’s proven this by allying himself with anyone that he thinks can get him there

Might have noticed the dude flip flops more then Brett Favre retired

And Kelly Shaw is just a moron, the fact he’s involved even as a fan automatically makes the whole thing not legit anymore. Even if it is. But it isn’t

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Kelly Shaw found evidence at a Bigfoot Hoax Site.

Anywho that’s my vent for the day

People are stupid

And Kelly Shaw is a pineapple


Bigfoot Battle Batalion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472133653083643/

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartbigfoot/

The Squatchers Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Slounge/

The Fortean Slip: https://www.facebook.com/groups/574332809255914/

Parabreakdown: https://www.youtube.com/user/ParaBreakdown/

Bigfoot Crossroads: http://www.bigfootcrossroads.com/

Off The Rictor: https://www.facebook.com/groups/310052705862689/

Team Squatching USA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeamSquatchinUSA/

Team Tazer: https://www.facebook.com/groups/208863656124175/

Tim Fasano: http://www.sasquatchevidence.com/

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