Where Has David Parker Been My Entire Life?

The world of Bigfoot Habituators Is one full of charlatans, delusionaries, attention seekers, liars and just plain idiots

“Yeah we know this Richard, What about them?”

HOLD ON, don’t let your panties get in a twist I’m getting to the point

Most “Habituators” have been doing it for years and years

And have no more evidence to show for their efforts then let’s say Rick Dyer does

Should like to take a moment here to point out that Dr Jane Goodall and Diane Fosse were earning their “Honary members of the Whoop” Badges within the same time and had plenty of evidence to show for it

Videos, Pictures, Scat, Hair, Saliva blah blah blah

Y’know, the kind of stuff we want so desperately and have become bitter, cynical and jaded waiting for

So the fact that Habituators claim their having all these amazing experiences and have nothing to show for it, proves their full of shit

In the same way the guy promising you a shitload of cash in exchange for your bank details and a small filing and legal charge is

So for a habituator to make me do a double take is actually a big deal and I’d like to thank this David Parker guy for doing just that:


Note the hair samples, footprint photos and trail cam pictures of the Bigfoot that go along with this story that completely validate everything he said

You can’t see them?

That’s only because your not open minded enough obviously


Seriously though, this is where we currently are at Bigfoot wise

For those of my friends who have seen them, this is nothing short of this dude getting his cock out and slapping them in the face repeatedly

“Screw your experience, I’m making my own up and there’s nothing you can do about it. Nee Nah”

Some people just like to feel special I suppose

Speaking of special, head over to Ryan Readings blog and check out his last report on Sasquatch in May

It’s a hoot



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Bigfoot Battle Batalion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472133653083643/

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartbigfoot/

The Squatchers Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Slounge/

The Fortean Slip: https://www.facebook.com/groups/574332809255914/

Parabreakdown: https://www.youtube.com/user/ParaBreakdown/

Bigfoot Crossroads: http://www.bigfootcrossroads.com/

Off The Rictor: https://www.facebook.com/groups/310052705862689/

One thought on “Where Has David Parker Been My Entire Life?”

  1. I tried to join a group on fb and this guy david is a total douchbag. I’m sure he’s a good researcher but he has 0 people skills, especially after the harassing and creepy personal messages.


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