Matthew Johnson to Steven Streufert: Come on Champ, Join The Conference

All righty guys this is it

Real end of days shit

Matthew Johnson (Team Squatching USA Champ of the Woo Woos)

Has invited his arch nemesis, the anti Johnson; Steven Streufert (Dark Lord of Logic) to his Habituation conference in April

In what can only be called a STUNNING turn of events Matthew Johnson, litterally a few moments ago uploaded this open letter to his rival/thorn


Forget everything else that’s happened lately

Forget Shaw’s Weasel debacle or Ryan Readings inability to spell his own name

Forget it all

I nominate this moment as the most shocking moment in Bigfootery THIS YEAR

To say there is animosity between these two is an understatement

It’s probably accurate to say that it if either one of them was on fire, the other wouldn’t even piss on them

So for Johnson to go; Hey you know what Streufert, forget all that bullshit and come on down, we’ll have a laugh

Is kind of a big deal

Maybe it’s a trap, maybe an armed battalion of Woo-Woos are waiting to put Steven into the dirt

or perhaps he’ll turn the tide on them, showing up with an AK-47 and a van full of homies to put them all down


It’s a legitimate attempt to put all drama in the past and move on

Who the fuck knows

It’s a massive turn around

I’ll say this for Johnson, he certainly knows how to create a massive impact on the community

I dunno if Steven will accept or even if the offer is genuine

But whatever happens

What a shocker

Did not see this coming like at all

Bigfoot Battle Batalion:

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research:

The Squatchers Lounge:

The Fortean Slip:


Bigfoot Crossroads:

Off The Rictor:

One thought on “Matthew Johnson to Steven Streufert: Come on Champ, Join The Conference”

  1. This was indeed a surprising gesture from Dr. J. No one expected it and anyone can tell from our reactions that it wasn’t some well thought out ploy. The question is…Will ss seize the opportunity or fabricate a fake reason why he is offended, too sick, suspicious, etc and can’t / won’t do it. The conference is a much bigger deal than just Matt Johnson- people are coming together from many different angles within the community to share their latest work and ideas. No one is expected to agree with everyone who is speaking. I would think that ss would relish a chance to raise questions and challenge notions offered by one of the dozen or so speakers. Maybe he could throw in a plug for his research area and regain some interest there.
    I know the difference between fb behavior and real life- no one has to tell me what it means to “act right”- therefore I wouldn’t be a jerk by picking a fight with ss, should he take the offer to be The Skeptic. Steven would get my respect by just showing up to play the part. MJ did say he expected everyone to treat ss with respect. Seriously, if ss wanted to show up and participate in a classy manner, it would do wonders for his rep in the community. As it stands, Dr J is shining, as he demonstrates how much of a gentleman he really is.
    Since the SOHA fiasco polarized the BF community, having this chance to move forward in a positive and respectable position, should be taken. Second chances like this rarely come around. I guess we’ll have to see what happens. Perhaps he will be supported by a few friends from his camp.


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