Michael Merchant Goes Full F**ktard

I’ve tried for a long time to stay out of this one, these wounds go all the back to Team Tazer and it’s not worth shoving my dick into that particular blender. However as a friend recently pointed out, I can’t claim to be a troll blog and leave certain douchebags alone, especially when said douchebags are making stupid insane statements like the following:


Well to whatever animal eats the apple it helps I suppose. NO FUCK THAT! NO MORE KID GLOVES!

The NAWAC are doing actual important Bigfoot Research while Merchant prances around being an opportunistic cunt, moving from one fan group to another like a worthless parasite sucking the fans from healthy hosts and then calling them all assholes when their usefulness has ended.

At least they have a plan to prove to the World Bigfoot exists, some people are against that and that’s cool, I’m not Pro Kill myself but at this stage a specimen is needed for science. Which sucks but there ya go.


Leaving Peanut Butter out is reconnecting with ageless practises steeped in ancient traditions….. See what I mean? I couldn’t just say nothing about this rant. It’s not epic, it’s just stupid and that’s the nicest thing I’ll say about it.

Did Merchant say he’s gonna fight his own Ego? Jesus that’s a hard fight, Good luck to ya champ, you’ll need it

It’s not okay to murder anything, I’m with you on that. But while you’re skipping barefoot through the woods Bob Strain and the NAWAC are out there working the woods and coming up with a plan to find one and prove the mystery once and for all. What have you done again? Oh right tell everyone you’re kinda a big deal and team up with the biggest cunt in Bigfooting. After destroying Team Tazer one of the greatest Bigfoot groups the internet has ever seen. Douchebag


I love this 180 turn around Merchants pulled, it wasn’t that long ago he was bashing the Woo cunts but now, wow well he’s a dyed in the wool follower.

As for promoting Known Hoaxers?

Two Words Merchant: Lupe Mendoza


Again no, I’m not Pro Kill it’s not cool to murder anything least of all a potentially endangered species.

But the rest of this is bullshit, Merchant is the ultimate in opportune soul less bastards, he’s predictable and boring for the most part. To the point several of my friends and I have a running pool on how long it’ll be before he turns on Johnson like he turned on everyone else that ever helped or supported him.

He’s a douchebag

and Johnsons a Cunt


Bigfoot Battle Batalion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1472133653083643/

Coalition For Critical Thinking in Bigfoot Research: https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartbigfoot/

The Squatchers Lounge: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Slounge/

The Fortean Slip: https://www.facebook.com/groups/574332809255914/

Parabreakdown: https://www.youtube.com/user/ParaBreakdown/

Bigfoot Crossroads: http://www.bigfootcrossroads.com/

Off The Rictor: https://www.facebook.com/groups/310052705862689/

6 thoughts on “Michael Merchant Goes Full F**ktard”

  1. Merchant has every right to his opinion even though many disagree with it. And yes the NAWAC are doing good work, as are the folks at the Olympic project. The sad thing is that you have latched on to the larger parasite in this community, one who milks the name of a famous location for their own relevance. You though son, are a loon across the pond hardly suited for an opinion on this subject since you freely admit you’re in it to troll. Kinda makes you pretty useless.


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