Matthew Johnson Calls Rick Dyer Out. The Hilariousness is Untold

If there is one man, ONE man in the Bigfoot Community that has no right to question Rick Dyer or the things he does, it’s Matthew Johnson. The man takes every opportunity to steal from Dyers Playbook, emulates Rick’s brand of hoaxing and for all intents and purposes is worse than the latter because Mr Dyer at least has the balls to own up to the fact he is a hoaxer… Eventually…. Because people exposed him… But he did say it. So get’s a little love from me for doing that.

In any case apparently he contacted Matthew Johnson and asked to goto SOHO, this is Johnsons idiotic response:


Since me and Phil Poling proved you were a liar once Johnson and Randy Filipovic caught you in a further 5-6 lies, you can shut the hell up and stop pretending to be innocent. You are not Perfect Matthew Johnson you fucked up and we caught you.

You should definitely invite some of your detractors to SOHO because only they can give 100% pure corroboration as it is their self interest to not back you up.


That’s why fucking Rick Dyer used Musky Allen because it actually gave pause to some people in the community, that someone that was so against the man became his biggest supporter. Of course Rick ruined it by overplaying his hand and inviting Kulls and them up there but there was a moment there when some people were like: Huh? Maybe?

Course it didn’t last long but it was a good idea, poorly implemented. That’s why this statement is so stupid. People who are opposed to you are the best kind of people to invite to your research area because if they back you up then we have to stop what we’re doing and pay attention. It’s a fucking fact of life.

Inviting people who already agree with you is stupid and proves nothing

Not that you have anything going on that needs proving you massive cunt


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