Jason Heal puts the Twat, in Yowie Searching

Ugh to say this guy is a hoaxer, is an insult to hoaxers. To say his work is a joke is a sad commentary on our sense of humor. The dudes a twat thats the beginning of end of it. Formally of J&J Yowie Search, he brought us such instant classics as “Guy with a flashlight on his head pretends he’s a Yowie” and “Costumed Hand heads towards Camera and shuts it down.” Both of those are actual videos he claims are authentic on his Youtube Channel. Don’t fucking take my word for it, check them out for yourself.

Anywho here is his latest contribution to insanity:

 Wow. That’s fucking brilliant isn’t it? Even the great Yogurt Ed Waterman wouldn’t dare to try and run with this shit… Actually that’s totally a lie, when I first saw this video I genuinely thought it was from Waterman. So sorry Yogurt got it wrong this time.

But Come On!!! Ccoommee ooonn!

What is that even supposed to be? A blurry tree bark zooming out?

What does that even relate to? The video description is fucking useless, it just says Please Share this video. Doesn’t say of what though. Just calls itself “Eyes On Me”

Is he paranoid or something? Think those trees are really illuminati agents working with the Secret Aliens That Control Everything? None of this has anything to do with the large primate the Aussies call the Yowie however. Are their woo’s in Australia? There must be theres fucking Woo cunts in every walk of life. Met a woman in one of my Ferret groups last night that said she could channel the energies of her Ferrets. Ugh Spare me

To be fair to Jason he doesn’t actually say this video is of a Yowie that’s looking at him. Which is nice because I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing long enough to write this blog.

Eddy Baby! Glad your back. You’re a Yogurt


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