Mark Parra On Magic

O.k so there is a researcher I normally pick on. The theory has been floated that he thrives on the attention myself and others give him. Very true. It has also been suggested that we take off two weeks of giving him that attention in order to see if that affects him. It won’t as we’re not the only groups that give him attention but I’m not one for poo pooing the general consensus. So no posts about him for two weeks yeah?

So we move on, the sad thing about the Bigfoot community is that there is no end to the amount of attention seeking dingbats, running off into the woods, talking shite and calling it research. In the spirit of that let us take a look at Mark Parra.

Here is a 30 minute long video about nothing, I mean seriously you might think the Mark Zaskey videos are utter drivel but this one is a near contender for the top spot.

The video opens with Mark looking at a lump of wood stacked together and making the outrageous statement it’s a Bigfoot Den. Brilliant. It just get’s worse from there.

No trail cam on it though?

Apparently he can’t call it a nest, has to be called a den. Epic.

He goes into a little story about a hawk. This dude sounds like Kelly Shaw, already I don’t like him. Maybe that’s being too judgemental though… Although he did just refer to a lump of wood as a Bigfoot Den so I guess that’s allright.

He’s got a picture of a Bigfoot on his Facebook page? How come I haven’t seen it? Oh wait I did! Here we go:


Epic. A Photo Worthy of Waterman.

He then moves onto Bigfoot Cloaking. I feel justified in not liking him from the get go. He calls himself a rational thinker. Bear that in mind because that will come into play.

Metaphysics is Mathematical. He actually says that. Metaphysics is the study of being and knowing. That is it’s definition. I fail to see the mathematical connection there but again whatever let’s move on.

He points out its growing in the community that Bigfoot can do this stuff.

He’s right. Sadly the woo woo’s are taking over and soon us Flesh n Blood believers will be relics of a bygone era. Like old blockbuster shops.

So he’s back in the area of the Den to verify his picture of a Bigfoot. Dunno how he’s going to do that.

Oops refers to the “Den” as a “nest” again. Bad Mark!

I think this guy is a suitable replacement for that other guy. Oh! The other guy is mentioned briefly in this video.

Won’t talk about that.

He says there is some science behind the inter dimensional and paranormal aspects. Exactly what science is he talking about? Oh right that paper about Electro Magnets making stuff almost transparent. Nice. Dunno how a Bigfoot would evolve that or why it’s the only animal apparently that has this power. I mean if it was an evolutionary thing other animals would have adapted it right? I mean turning transparent sounds like a good defense against predators and also FOR predators to do that would give them quite an edge.

He dances around the log pile with his camera for awhile, calling it a nest repeatedly, despite the total lack of evidence. But hey that doesn’t stop woo’s right! They can say whatever the hell they want to without needing any of that pesky sciencey stuff right. I wish I had that lack of objectivity and blind faith but I don’t.

There’s a hole he’s interested in, apparently it’s big enough for a 8 – 10 foot tall creature. Brilliant. This guy is a hoot.

Medicine men and Shaman are mentioned now. I hate it when white people bastardize tribal cultures, I dunno why but it irks me.

Gifting is now mentioned, again. You know the woo woos are justifying it by saying no one complains about Bird Feeders and stuff like that? As an actual counter argument. Bullshit, leaving food out for wild animals is dangerous. Bird Feeders included, birds can get over dependant on the food and then fall into decline when the food goes away, there are plenty of studies about that. The RSPB is always saying if you put bird food out, make sure it is availible year round and don’t ever stop the supply of food. So shut up with that old argument. Putting food out once or twice every few months is more dangerous by that logic.

He now goes back to the transparency thing. Oh good I so love listening to the ole “Good Reasons why Bigfoot Can Cloak” Argument. Doesn’t get tiring.

“I studied enough about metaphysics. I know how things work. I know what shamans do. I know what magic is. I know the processes of magic. I know how to achieve it”

I stopped listening right there. I’m sure there are others who can go the whole distance but that statement was such an insult to basic human intelligence. Metaphysics is a philosophy subject not a bloody paranormal one. UGH!

Anyway Mark Parra – Total Lemming.

Joh..Oh Wait..

Watermans a Yogurt


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