Adam Davies, John Carlson and Matthew Johnson Walk Into A Bar

Uugghh Okay then lets get this over with. The announcement came earlier this week that Davies was finally ready to break his silence and start talking, I was shocked because as far as I knew Davies had resigned himself to never speaking of it again. Now I have friends that speak to Mr Davies and some of them spoke to me, I knew about the Portal, Demons and junk ahead of time and so I suspect did Johnson. I know Adam is really pissed off with the man, as I am, but I knew more or less what he was going to say. Pretty much going to back his buddy John Carlson up. Which is cool, Adam Davies is a righteous bloke and a proper trustworthy human being. That’s based on what people that know him say about him, I’ve never spoken to him

So the interview happened and was released. It’s two hours long and can be found right here:

It does not help Johnson at all. If you believe it, which I don’t I think they were either hoaxed or their making it up for reasons unknown. But If you believe it, it makes Johnson wrong and means he’s been habituating himself to demons for eight years. Doesn’t stop him using it as vindication however.

O.k so I already wrote up a really fucking long post about Johnson today so I’m going to just use the show highlights to make my blog. It is two hours long and covers a lot of ground, Binnall is an excellent host and I don’t mind admitting it. Very courteous and warm. Excellent chemistry with his guests.

But I Digress.

The meat and Potatoes of this story is pretty simple. Adam and John concede possible Bigfoot activity in SOHA, Confirm the Portal but say it is unconnected with Bigfoot, Express astonishment about what a mind blowing experience it was and finally defend Bigfoot Habituation even though it’s been proven to be bunk by Dr Goodall herself.

Right so yeah. Bigfoot activity in SOHA has never been off the cards, it’s a nice big forest and for all I know there are Bigfoot there. What Johnson is recording and “documenting” –snigger– is not Bigfoot as he has yet to provide any proof at all of his claims. Seriously I’d settle for anything. In the previous Blogs Bigfoot Habituation has thoroughly been put to bed in the form of two very eloquent community posts, a blog by Dr Goodall and of course the words of Dr Goodall herself. Heisenbergs uncertainity principal and the dangers of habituating yourself to anything. So I feel the facts are pretty much on my side when I say it’s a load of bunk and useless to Bigfoot Research. That deals with that first point.

So this second point here is really a sticking point for me as I cannot understand why Johnson and his cronies are crowing over it. They confirmed a portal yes but refuse point blank to connect it with Bigfoot and say instead Demonic beings were advancing with hostile intentions, which they rebuked by invoking the name of Christ.

Someone please needs to explain to me exactly how this helps Johnson at all, cos to me it makes it look like he’s been habituating himself to demons for a few years. HEY! Maybe the reason he’s such a fucking cunt is because he’s become demonically possessed? Food for thought indeed. As mentioned in the previous blog by using that for vindication, he just puts himself in the wrong. No longer a Bigfoot Researcher but a Paranormal guy. I. Don’t. Know. Why. He’s. So. Happy. About. This.

But Whatever, when a Narcissist starts gloating its usually overcompensation for a loss.

The mind blowing experience thing is another sticking point for me, Johnson garunteed them a good time when he invited up Davies to his research area. That for me is a massive red flag, if you can predict Bigfoot Activity you should surely be able to get one in the bag right? A dead one, a live one or the much needed DNA evidence we require. Which sadly I believe is a body living or dead to map the genome and establish a baseline for comparison. Not a DNA scientist however so don’t quote me on that.

So I already covered Bigfoot Habituation in the above paragraphs and two bloody blogs. It’s not a real thing, stop saying it is. It’s not technically woo when you say that but it’s certainly an idiotic statement that flies in the face of reality. Not that that is a problem for Johnson I guess.

Anyway that is my take on the Interview. Linked it up above and decide for yourselves.

Johnson, go fuck yourself you worthless cunt


4 thoughts on “Adam Davies, John Carlson and Matthew Johnson Walk Into A Bar”

  1. **I was put in contact with someone who has been confirmed to have visited SOHA, and they provided me with a first hand account of some small details regarding their adventure with Johnson at SOHA. STORY BELOW.

    It would not surprise me at all ifJohnson is indeed mixed up in witchcraft and devilry. Johnsons Bigfoot experience going ten years back drew a lot of media attention, something that Johnson seemed to revel in. Ten years later and Johnson has failed to do or find anything else Bigfoot related. Johnson must have desperately been looking for additional evidence- I mean ten years of hard searching only to find nothing, the result is a desperate man that is in deep withdrawal over the fame he used to have.
    Enter in one demonic entity. A demon that promises Johnson a return to the spotlight in return for…who knows what. His soul? Other people’s souls? In exchange for brining proof that demons exist and bringing them into the media spotlight?
    This story I have been told is true (it certainly also has me scratching my head, but then again so does this whole story in general).
    My contact has told me that Johnson is indeed involved in rituals, but this isn’t just habituation…that is when they were at SOHA they were instructed very strictly on what they could and could not do. Before this “portal” was opened and available for viewing by Johnsons ‘friends’ Johnson told them that he alone must approach the portal to open it, as he alone knows how to open the portal. Once Johnson returned he looked EXHAUSTED and pale, but he was happy and instructed his colleagues that the portal was indeed now opened and that they may VERY carefully approach from a distance.
    What else was curious was that Johnson had returned from the portal with a large cut across his palm, that he immediately bandaged up and said that he cut it on a tree branch. It must have been one heck of a branch to cut him in such a deep way. Johnson seemed much more drained after returning from the portal and literally passed out in his tent after bandaging himself. It was later discussed and had us wondering if Johnson was lieing to us about these things. It was very odd and quite frankly had us scared and jumping to many conclusions about his sanity. If it weren’t for proof of witnessing these demons and the portal, we would have left and fast.
    One thing is sure- Johnson is hiding something, and we are almost positive that he is mixed up in something evil and demonic. We know almost for sure that Johnson is involved in some form of rituals and/or demonic happening. I am forewarning anyone visiting SOHA to wear a cross and literally keep a bible in your chest pocket for protection. I will not discuss any further other than to tell people to stay away from SOHA if you value your soul, and to be careful around Johnson.

    – Story provided by anonymous SOHA visitor who swears it true!

    **The above is the story I was told from my contact. I have to admit that I myself thought it was a big pile of bullshit like the story Johnson and his cronies have been telling. If it weren’t for the fact that this other witness came forward talking about demons and evil then I myself would not have posted it here.


  2. It wasn’t directly mentioned, but I think it was strongly insinuated that Johnson had INTENTIONALLY cut open his hand and in some way used his blood in some ritual to OPEN the demonic portal. I imagine most people picked that insinuation up from my above posting; however, just in case some of you didn’t pick up on it I thought I would mention it.
    Can you imagine soft spoken man-wimp Johnson being involved in devilry and witchcraft? That’s what people are whispering about here. What if on the smallest chance of percentage this whole thing is real? You always see in Hollywood movies and stories where demons offer up some twisted contract to mortal humans, offering to give them fame, glory and the spotlight that they so desperately want. In return they ask the human for their soul or other souls or some other twisted agenda.
    That’s all in the movies though right? I mean that’s the story that I being slung here….so it all must be one big scam right? To pull something of this magnitude off as a hoax would require an immense amount of coordination especially with 10 witnesses involved. Controlling so many people would be very difficult.
    I mean Dyer managed to do it,but he had about 4-5 witnesses.
    I have to admit folks this entire event has me confused due to the amount of people involved,the religious undertones and the demonic situation that is quite scary if you are a Christian.
    I think the only way we are going to get to the bottom of what’s going on here is to let it play out a little longer and maybe get some reputable people to visit this place.

    Should anyone wish to contact me its further information in relation to the information I have provided above- please do!

    Thanks MH


  3. Ok so I just finished up listening to the Carlson+ Davies interview. The first thing that I noticed in the interview was that Carlson was leading the interview, and Davis was basically just feeding off of Carlsons lead and when Davies spoke he would basically just support Carlson by repeating what he had just said.
    For example Carlson would say “the creatures had black fur and beady red glowing eyes and they rushed us”. Adam Davis would then say something like “it’s true they had black fur and glowing red eyes and like Carlson said they rushed us which was terrifying”.
    It’s almost as if Davies didn’t have a version of his own to share so he was just agreeing with and repeating everything Carlson was saying. I found this a little bit suspicious but not enough to say that something fishy was happening here, but I noticed it. The real fucked up part of this crazy situation:

    1. Johnson notices a portal to hell open with two alien entities guarding the portal entrance, something that would literally be the greatest discovery in human history, first contact, the discovery of portal technology and what is either a portal off planet and Dr.Johnson just goes to sleep! That is SO FISHY on its own.

    2. Davies and Carlson find this fantastic discovery and get no proof. It’s not like it all happened in a split second and they didn’t have the camera handy…..this happened again the next night and the night after that and none of them bothered to take out their camera phone to take photos or video. That’s fishy.

    3. Davies and Carlson make this discovery and make these insane claims and story to tell but do not return to get proof. It’s not Johnsons land, so why not take the time and go back to get the proof EVERYONE is asking for. Their answer to this “After our experience we don’t want anything more to do with it.” We know this line is COMPLETE BULLSHIT because why else would they go on Internet radio to spend all these hours talking about it if they want nothing more to do with it?

    PS- This is unrelated to the portal or the Ewoks but I thought it important to mention this tidbit of info that came out in the interview: Johnson states that there is NO WILDLIFE NEAR SOHA AND THE FOOD BOWLS. Davies and Carlson go on to talk about how a bear came into their camp and had been hanging around a few days. No doubt this bear has been chowing down on the food in the bowls causing it to hang in and around camp. They even said Johnson knew about the bear and the fact that it has been in and around camp a lot, so much so that Johnson instructed them both on how to use his gun. Johnson even told them to shoot the bear if they had to. This tells me the bear has likely been hanging around eating all the food in the bowls. The grunts they heard in and around camp at night could very easily have been this bear and NOT a Bigfoot. That explains the missing food, the Bigfoot grunts and noises in and around camp at night…so there you go. The only thing left to debunk is the Ewoks and Portals.



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