Matthew Johnson: Not Content with Abusing Bigfoot, turns his attention to religion

Right so first of all I would like you all to turn your attention to this beautiful piece of Audio I got my hands on a while back:

Regular readers of my blog will recognise this as the audio clip I was finally able to prove Johnson had lied in. He uses the Bible story Cain and Abel to say that the Bigfoot are the descendants of Cain. Which is a lie. The Bible is very clear on what happened to Cain and his family after the whole abel thing. He was exiled and headed east out to the land of Nod (Mesopotania) Where he lived in the first city of Enouch. That’s where he went, that’s where his descendants lived. The Bible says Cain was marked by God, however it does not say they were covered in hair and granted mastery over time and space. Ergo, Johnson is lying.

If you quote the Bible then you have to take the Christian stand point that it is absolute truth. Some parts are metaphors, however the story of Cain and Abel is truth and to misuse it for your own nefarious schemes is blasphemy plain and simple.

So much for ultra religious nice guy Johnson huh? Onto more of his religious angle:

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Ok I couldn’t hear anything, maybe you can. I heard the grunt that sounds almost like “Matt” couldn’t hear anything on this one though. I akin this stuff to Sasquatch Ontarios recordings or Ghostly E.V.Ps. Now I’m gonna say this next part again, for the umpteenth time. I know it will fall on Deaf ears but I’m going to say it again anyway.

The burden of Proof is on Johnson to prove that these sounds and all his others came from a Bigfoot. This isn’t religion were dealing with here, Johnson himself has quoted Scientific Dogma (replication, replication, replication) He needs to back that up with scientific discovery.

He want’s to start a religion and a worship me cult? That’s fine, I’m cool with that, Hell it’d make me right so go ahead. Do that. Just stop mixing that stuff with Bigfoot research.

The Olympic Project, Bluff Creek Project and the NAWAC are quiet at the moment, that’s a bloody shame but that’s how it is. They are the only decent Bigfoot research organisations I know about.

You wanna be taken seriously Johnson? You want me to stop this blog? Stop Lying, Back up your evidence and except you are not as great as you think you are.

While I’m dreaming can I win the lottery.

Johnson is a cunt


4 thoughts on “Matthew Johnson: Not Content with Abusing Bigfoot, turns his attention to religion”

  1. Dr.J is so nuts that this doesn’t really surprise me all that much. I mean we are talking about a guy who leaves sandwiches out in the woods as a hobby to attract space alien Ewok ankle biters. Religious insanity seemed the next logical step


  2. This man is an attention junkie. A shock jock for bigfoot fans. He puts the paranormal into Bigfoot and can tell a good lie…ahem I mean story. He is just telling the UFO Bigfoot groupies what they want to hear and the dumber more gullible ones have latched onto his bullshit. I am surprised he has thrown religion into the mix as I didn’t take the UFO Bigfoot crowd to be the religious type, but who knows what those weirdos believe.
    It’s just more lies for attention. Job sons problem now is that he is enjoying the attention he has been getting from all of his lies. As a result he is making new lies up, and new lies to cover up old lies. Eventually his kingdom of bullshit will melt as we have seen happen to other hoaxers.


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