Epic Bigfoot Rants: Mata-Hari Sticks it to Matthew Johnson

Now this is an Epic Bigfoot Rant, this is how it is done right here. So big i cannot fit it into one screen shot, it covers three. It illustrates the main point about why I started blogging and picking on Johnson, we are all SICK of it. sick of the lies, sick of the hoaxing. If you wanna do Paranormal stuff, GO DO PARANORMAL STUFF! The bar for evidence in that community is a lot LOWER than it is for Bigfoot! Stop calling your experiences Bigfoot, stop uploading crap and Just. Go. Away. But anyway here we go the first part:


O.K so apparently Mata-Hari has an issue with Johnson uploading a blank screen audio only video, of an open portal. I cannot imagine why, we asked Johnson for evidence and he provided it right? Audio evidence of an open portal. We know it’s that because you can hear the fabric of reality being torn asunder, the weird noises of another dimension whisping into ours, the frightened gasps and exclamations from all the witnesses right? C-U-N-T Show it what it means to me.

He mentions the Nobel prize in the next paragraph, oh yes at the very least! If Johnson has the ability to open up Inter-dimensional portals at will, fuck the nobel prize I say we name him Scientist of the Millenium and have done with it.

Mata-Hari then points out that instead of alerting authorities, getting the news on board and getting in touch with CERN, Johnson has instead been checking on his gifting bowls and making peanut butter sandwiches. Got to admit the guys got a point.

Think I finally figured out why Johnson bothers me more than other Hoaxers. It’s because he says all of this shit and then gets mad when people question him. Most other hoaxers either ignore or embrace haters. Cept Kelly Shaw but come on, that dudes a dick.

Again Mata-Hari mentions the fact that this race clearly has superior technology and abilities to us and wouldn’t be wasting their time eating food out of dog bowls. I agree with his sentiment on this whole heartedly.


This next paragraph starts with Mata calling out Johnsons habituation as an outright lie. This is possibly the only thing we can prove for sure about Johnsons whole operation. Scientifically it takes months of dedication to habituate yourself to another species. Crows, Starlings, Chimpanzees, Gorillias all take a considerable amount of time and effort. Not a few days every few months, it’s total shite.


The rest of this rant is dedicated pretty much exclusively to calling out Johnsons evidence collecting abilities, or lack thereof.

Mata-Hari is fraustrated, as are the rest of us with Johnson talking a big game but providing nothing really of any substance, evidence wise. Mata points out the “audio evidence” of the night Carlson and Davies went up there to check out stuff, the highlight of which was them giggling and reciting bible quotes. Hardly concrete. As is the fact that Davies has gone on record threatening to sue Johnson.

I wrote a blog a few weeks back, called Matthew Johnson Defies God and Is Dubbed A hoaxer. In it I was able to prove Johnson was a liar, catching him in an outright lie. This is evidence. So when I say Johnsons a liar I can back this up with proof. When Johnson says I have a portal in my research area, he needs to back it up. We’ve all had enough


3 thoughts on “Epic Bigfoot Rants: Mata-Hari Sticks it to Matthew Johnson”

  1. I noticed at the end of this blog that Schizo mentions he nailed Johnson in a lie. Somehow I missed that blog post, so I am a bit excited to read that post! Just so I don’t get it mixed up, can someone links that blog post for me ? I can probably find it- but just in case. Thanks!


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