Current Bigfoot Evidence/Hoax – Squatchmaster

I’m pretty fucking sure that my good friend Randy Filipovic put the final nail in this dudes coffin either earlier this year or late last year. Cannot remember exactly when it was but he did a big article on the Squatchmaster as a hoaxer. Apparently he recorded some audio tracks that actually turned out to be some stuff played backwards.

Also there was the BB gun he was saying was a Dart Gun, also there were the many many times this dude has retired.

Squatchmasters a bit of a hoaxer is the point of those two paragraphs.

In any case he’s back on the wagon with this latest video:

Ultimate of shadow squatches right fucking there. A blob next to a tree is a bigfoot? Thanks Squatchmaster, you do amuse us all.

Here’s a small point of contention, noticed your circle is white there skip. We all know Red Circles = Squatches and Yellow Circles = Cloaked Squatches. Do White circles = Shadows now? Do we have to completely redesign the entire system now? What about stump squatches what color are they going to be? Carpet Squatches? Their going to need their own color coded system as well.

As you can see the Squatchmaster has completely destroyed the way the Bigfoot Community works now. We’re going to have to spend several months putting the pieces back together! ANARCHY!

In any case check out his video then head on over to Randy Filipovics site: Bigfoot Anarchy for the full scoop on this Caligulan Hoaxer Man.


5 thoughts on “Current Bigfoot Evidence/Hoax – Squatchmaster”

  1. This is one of many cases,that I blogged about last week. This guy just won’t go away. If I’m right,& if I did my do diligence. This is the same joker,that was on Not Finding Bigfoot. The video from ohio,of the tree shaking bigfoot. When the bigfoit team did a recreation ,you could see it was a man. Then when asked ,what he thought it was ,he had NO reply ,but ahhhhh ? Also this guy has been known to use his autistic son,in his sceams,& lies. Wich is dispicable. This is a perfect example of what’s wrong in the bigfoit community.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes, he did an episode of finding bigfoot with the tree shaker video, it is that guy, Squatchmaster aka Jeff, i wanna say his surname is patterson but not 100% is a proven hoaxer, check out randys blog for confirmation


  2. Squatchmaster (Jeff) has delusional mental issues.
    He has posted numerous Youtube hoaxes with a person in a costume or fake still photos of apes or monkeys and tried to pass them off as the real deal. He has removed several videos in less than 24 hours of uploading when all feedback/comments are negative or un-supportive in his favor.
    One of the biggest modern day bigfoot hoaxers on Youtube. He constantly dwells on his 15 minutes of Finding Bigfoot fame….he does not seem capable of moving on with his life.


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