Giant underground worms may cause….. Tremors. BWAHAHA!

download (32) Oh I do amuse myself sometimes, the one good thing about being a schizophrenic is I always have someone to laugh at my jokes. HA! In all seriousness it is a pretty shitty condition causing bouts of anxiety, depression and a complete lack of social skills. But anyway my hilarious pun title! WOO!

My favorite film of all time is an old horror movie called Tremors, in which a small town is terrorized by giant underground worms. Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward headline the flick and play a couple of down on their luck handyman, that eventually save the entire town. Usual shit really. There’s a hot love interest for Bacon to woo and eventually hook up with. As well as a gun nut and a country singer.

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Reba is hot ok? Even now that chick is smoking hot and I loved her TV series and appearances in films. DONT JUDGE ME!

Anyway the Worms appear out of nowhere and are not properly explained, unless you watch the other three films. Which are cheesy and classic horror movie sequels but I love them all the same. I can’t tell if it’s Michael Gross being awesome as Burt or just the Giant Wormyness, but for some reason I cannot get enough of these films. I was gutted when I heard Tremors 5 had been cancelled mid production but I did hear recently it was restarting. Hopefully that’s true and not one of those disappointing urban myths.

So the worms show up, start killing people on the outside of town. No one knows what’s going on, until the heroes accidentally kill one, by running it into a cement wall. The worms get smarter the longer their active for however and the duo quickly learn they cannot kill the bastards in the same way twice. So let’s see if I can remember this right. They kill one by smashing it into a cement wall, Burt and his hot wife shoot one (with a lot of different guns) after it breaks through their wall, one gets blown up by a stick of dynamite and the last one tunnels out of a cliff and falls down.

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The worms are really well done for the budget they had available, in later sequels they would be CGI a little and that always sucks I feel. I like old-fashioned puppets over CGI any day of the week but that’s just me. You don’t really see films like Tremors anymore and while many see this as a good thing, I’m delicately seeing it as bad.


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