Everybody Is Sick Of Matthew Johnson

Since I started my campaign against bloody stupid Johnson I can’t help but notice a lot of other people have also began striking out against him. As much as I would love to take credit for this sudden upsurge in Johnson hate I think it goes a lot deeper than that.

It was probably his last fucking video of the “Open Portal” that pissed a lot of people off. Definitely seriously annoyed me. He jumped the shark plain and simple with that one. I mean I thought he could not sink any lower but the dude just delivered a video so terrible that the internet itself threw up and when you consider all the fucked up shit on the internet? That’s quite an achievement.

So who is everybody?

Let’s start with the Caligulan Superman Matthew Knapp of Bigfoot Crossroads, Bigfoot Outlaws, Bigfoot Evidence and Fortean Slip Fame. Check out his latest blog article to get caught up on what I mean:


He puts his point over in an intelligent, thoughtful way. Illustrating the fundamental differences between his blog and mine. He’s writing for like The Guardian or the New York Times and I’m writing for the Weekly World News. That is not to say I wanna write for the big boys, I have far too much fun writing short hate blogs and really sticking the boot in and trolling the fuck out of Johnson to suddenly shift to “intelligent”, “thoughtful” and “well written” blogging.

Fuck That. Johnsons a Cunt.

That’s Matt Knapp anyway. We’ve also got the Illustrious and Hated Steven Streufert over in the Coalition doing regular posts about Johnson’s latest insanity. Pictures of Ravens carrying eggs, videos of raccoons, pictures of Bear’s in SOHA. I mean the dude is sticking the boot in.

People who call Steven a troll are wrong, I will explain why in my next blog, I’ve got others pinned up but I’m tired of the hate he gets for little or no reason.

So that is Steven Streufert.

Recently the lads over on the Squatchers Lounge Podcasdid a webcast about PortalGate. What they are using in reference to Johnsons retarded statement about his mastery over time and space. Woo. Let me find it and I shall plug it.

Didn’t plug the Coalition because I always plug it at the end of the Blog.

Right so in this episode they discussed the possibility of Portals existing in Southern Oregon. David went off on what can only be described as a tangent in this one that caused my eyes to glaze over at several intervals. But the point was well made, Inter Dimensional Travel is a No No.

So that’s them.

Rictor Riolo, a man I have often said is 50% responsible for me blogging also put together this sexy little drawing:


Brilliant, Matthew Johnson was also a runner-up in his “Hall Of Shame” Final on his Podcast Off the Rictor. Hold on I’ll find it:

The greatest podcast on the Internet, The Fortean Slip also just busted out a Podcast on Johnson:

I already reviewed the shit outta that on a blog on Monday so feel free to check that one out.

Finally we have Steve Alcorn, Phil Poling and Randy Filipovic going head to head with Johnsons Henchmen over in the Bigfoot Hoaxers Exposed 2.0 group.

If Phil Poling has a problem with some guy, then you know that guy is a problem. Phil Poling is a genius. Don’t take my word for it, take well know Bigfoot Celebrity Michael Merchant’s:

Steve actually checkmated one of the Admins of team squatching in that thread, in which they made the ridiculous statement that there are no small animals in SOHA and then Steve showed them a picture taken by Johnson, proving there were.

The response? Maybe it was just passing through like that Bear was.

–hits head against brick wall–

So there you have it. Lotta big players and movers ‘n shakers in the community uniting against Matthew Johnson. FINALLY! I wish I could say this’ll make him stop and he’ll go pester the chubacabra community, but I fucking doubt it.

As always Johnsons a fucking low down dirty worthless cunt.


2 thoughts on “Everybody Is Sick Of Matthew Johnson”

  1. I am not a fan of Rictor Riolo but I will admit he has put out some classic drawings. This Johnson art is perfect.
    Remember the David Paullides+Melba Ketchum picture? Hahaha that was classic!


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