At what point do we draw the line?

63397_10153504380236983_118364201348635110_n Seriously now, I know it’s uncool of me to suddenly start writing serious posts but where is the line? Modern technology is advancing at an unprecidented scale thanks in part to the Illuminati working with aliens. Joking. See I cannot be serious.

But I digress.

At some point we’re going to have to rethink the whole Bigfoot thing. To which I mean face the ever increasing liklihood that it doesn’t exist at all. This will be a bit of a bummer. Now I’m a believer, I genuinely think there is a large bi pedal ape roaming around north america but sadly i’ve been blessed with enough reason and logic to accept it might not.

Everyones got a camera now, we got sattelites that can take our pictures from space, affordable drones that can take big ass panascopic views of the woods. Thermal scopes, night vision hell even motion sensors are pretty affordable these days so with the advent of technology and still no evidence in the existence of bigfoot its getting a bit desperate.


There are three ways to deal with this, we can start looking harder and better organised. Split into groups and do grid by grid searches checking every nook and cranny while documenting everything we find following the scientific method. I’m in favor of this although I accept that that means getting members of the bigfoot community working together for the common good and is therefore impossbile. Plus who has the time and money to do that? All the rich people in Bigfoot have long departed after certain bloody genome projects that wasted THREE FUCKING YEARS!

But i get distracted.

Ok the second way is to just accept it doesn’t exist and go looking for the chubacabra or the lake chamlain monster or the loch ness monster or the UK big cats. Or give up cryptozoology completely and start looking into real animals and real conservation. This is a genuine option, possibly a better one. Since i know most bigfooters are intoconservation anyway it wouldn’t be that much of a lifestyle change. It’s a horrible thing to admit but it’s a possibility I guess and as good an idea as any.

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Finally there is of course the option to deny reality, reason and logic. We can’t find any proof of bigfoot so it must be paranormal. Yes. Totally. It obviously hops into our dimension by portals that can be shot down with flashlights. It clearly dematerialises at will and has the ability to cloak and read our minds. It can use it’s psionic abilities to move things and mindsp…I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE! This is not a viable option as it doesn’t help anyone at all. Just facilitates you’re own narcism and turns youre bigfoot group into a cult. You cunt.

So there we are my take on where the line is and what we do about it. Listen don’t listen it’s all gravy.

Fortean Slip:
Squatchers Lounge:

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